Boxes & Beads


For the past several days our little apartment has been in chaos. Boxes everywhere! A few filled or in the process. A steady stream of trash or things to take to Goodwill. A growing pile of things to give to family. Our dinning room has a box wall that has been steadily growing for storage. After living here for over a year the time has come... We're moving again! With each move I find I'm able to part with more. Or at least I would like to think so. I've talked in a previous post about leading a more simple life and I still pursue that particular goal.

This move I have the extra time to do a bit of sorting and so the rest of this post if for you organizers and sorters out there... you know who you are. :)

It may come as a surprise that I even have any beading supplies at all. Those that know me from long ago know that I used to make bead necklaces quite proficiently. Suffice it to say I don't intend to make seed bead friendship bracelets anymore. My future projects include something like this, fabric embellishments and the like. Right up my alley as I plan on including some in a future quilt.

To be honest I got a little carried away today with my sorting time and completely got rid of the big plastic tub I had been using to store my supplies in. I went out and brought a pack of 100 2x3 Plastic Zip Lock Bags; take a look at the results. No more beads "hopping the fence" in with other colors and it takes up over half the space. I feel quite proud of my sorting accomplishments.

Bead organization
Bead organization
Bead organization
Bead organization

The remaining empty containers that I can now use for something else. Love the little tupperware mini pill cases! They remind me of my childhood. The remaining bags I've put to good use, sorting some sewing notions and a few scrapbook things. I like small things if you can't tell.

And one last thought. If you don't have a funnel and need to get small things in to tight spaces a piece of scrap paper does the trick!

Bead organization
Bead organization

Happy organizing!


Portraits of a Cat | Tybee


Portraits of a Cat